
Did you read about Jones’ custody trial? His lawyer had to admit in court that Jones was a “performance artist”, so his show couldn’t be used as evidence that he’s a psychopath. They know they aren’t a legitimate news org, but they know there is a demographic of morons willing to pay them money for claiming they are.

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

A sitting United States senator being tackled by his neighbor and breaking a bunch of ribs in a dispute over yard waste somehow doesn’t even crack the Top 100 Craziest Things list in the past year.

No way that Rand Paul could’ve gotten into Hollywood Upstairs Medical College

LOL “tit”

[Lakers sue Kevin Durant for stealing their 2014-18 marketing slogan]

Ice Fishing is the “Drinking Rubbing Alcohol” stage of fishing junkies trying to get their fix. seems to be getting worse! He should take the rest of the year off and just go sit on a beach somewhere without a basketball anywhere within a hundred miles for a few months, then come back in August.

You’re right and I would give MSU four business days to get it fixed.

If the Miller family gets another bill after, say, this Friday, then bulldoze the MSU Sports Clinic.



This is a reasonable position, actually.

Bulls fan here: ONE. HUNDRED. PERCENT. He has easily taken post-Decision-Lebron’s crown as most hateable NBA player in the league.

Now playing

“If I wasn’t Jamaican, then why would I wear this hat?”

Yup, my red flag shot up too.

Woah! Settle down, Beavis

Always unicorn truthers.

I was totally expecting his dick pics. This is awkward now.