Boomerang Python

Doesn't matter either way, hacking will happen all the time in some form or other, I still think Blizzard has the best security in the business, and the most experience with these kinds of problems.

Guess someone's been busy working his ass off.

Just gonna pop this here...

Microsoft should learn from Blizzard and banks, authenticators might work.

With our luck, I bet it's a facebook game.

I thought that was TJ Combo from Killer Instinct at first..

And probably the next Need for Speed.

Yeah, this particular DLC seems a little stupid in all fairness, I mean you could probably reproduce those skins with the character editor.

Now playing

For everyone who haven't yet seen this old video of Jackie Chan becoming Street Fighter characters, here it is!

Someone might care. You may not care. Simple, you buy what you care about!

That too.

Oh, you haven't smelt this one.. that's obvious.. :P

Or Michael Jackson..

If a japanese dude asked me if I could eat Nattou I'd ask him back if he could eat surströmming.

Man, listening to the trailer for that "movie" ingame was fairly fun stuff. Basically a Lethal Weapon parody.

Xenos witch.

I'd imagine they'd become a whole lot more red at least...

-This comment has been seized and expunged of secrets by decree of The Holy Order of the Emperor's Inquisition-

In the Grim Future of the 41st millenium, there is only Jews.

Thank you very much!