Boomerang Python
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This is the greatest TMNT musical number ever:

I can't wait for this game. Platforming goodness awaits!

I never saw this one coming. I was looking forward to The Last Story and only bought Xenoblade to help out the Operation Rainfall folks in getting The Last Story over to our shores.

So I guess that's a no on 'will you please not show new/confirmed characters in the header photo?' :[ Is a "Challenger Approaching" thing really so bad? ;____;

I just want the game, Capcom... But I know that the west will have to at LEAST wait for MH4G... At least we will probably get a simultaneous HD version... Hopefully cross-buy as well.

No thanks, I'll be happy with my Xbox One.

I like Call of Duty and Eminem, so all is good with me. Seems like smart marketing to me.

Meanwhile, beneath Shaoyang county.

i still like my theory lol

That's actually the golf/disc golf stages from Wii Sports Resort. The Level is based on Wuhu Island that was used in Wii Sports Resort and in Pilotwings 3DS.

Too bad we don't have Snake in this one. We could make a Snakes on a plane joke. Oh well, lost chances I guess.

Subtlety at its finest.

Oh, dem humie boyz is 'ard aight, but we'z dead 'ard!

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I wish someone would remake this one as well.

You don't HAVE to wait, since you can transfer Wii VC games over, but the WiiU versions add main controller screen support, and HD smoothing. Personally, I don't see a reason to bitch that companies are continuing to put classics back out on the next generations. Do we really want them to stop?

" you'll also be able to earn achievements by watching videos or listening to music through your Xbox One."