Boomerang Python
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What amazes me with Diablo 1 is that it was released on PS1 and in swedish to boot!

It should read on the first:


Won't be seeing any of these sexy mamas at this E3 then..


Of course it does!

My, my, is that swedish king Gustavus Adolphus and a swedish civilization i spy with my little eye?

You need to have the Horse resource inside your borders and you need to build the pasture improvement on it!

And it was 'created' by Hideo Kojima to boot!

So that's what's going on when you're not nearby!

I'm gonna have to do the same!

Does anyone know what date and time their E3 conference will be?

I'm really just missing Donkey Kong 64 and Yoshi's Island (even though i've got the GBA version free on my 3DS) and also Diddy Kong Racing which I doubt we'll ever see, but why the other two aren't on there still boggles the mind.

I found it to be the best one yet, as I love to collect crap! :P

The best Sonic cross-over is probably Smash Bros. Brawl!

Boy, Japan is so weird.

Funny how the pictures of the Metro got me thinking of BF3..

Funny how people just takes him seriously from the get go and don't question if he's acting.

Last i heard, all the 40k games in development are safe (Dawn of War III, Space Marine 2).

How does that make sense?