Boomerang Python

"Does this rash look bad to you?"

Where the heck is Euope?

I heard that too, to me he'll always be known as Cyrus the emo scout blood ravens space marine with a bad hair cut.

Now playing

This is to this day my favorite mortal kombat song ever created.

The lack of TMNT disturbs me.

Or it did anyway..

It's obviously fake!

Hope there's still pipes.

They must have known about these terms before deciding to release it on the Wii.

It worked out with the DSi to 3DS, transfers your purchases like a charm!

This is why I don't play shooters on PC, it's all about the twitching and insane mouse sensitivity.

The techpriest adepts in charge of the conceptual artwork of this heretical piece of software have been purged, incinerated and shot all in accordance with the Emperor's will and decree.

I've been running a 40k total conversion for command and conquer games (ironically) for years and years and we've had no problem with GW ever.


I was expecting to see Sweden as number 1 one all of those charts..

Man, the game has been in development forever! Who can follow a game that long!

Where's my goddamn Paladin!

Doesn't mean they aren't either!