Remember that this is a toy, painted. It will likely not have those lines ingame.
Remember that this is a toy, painted. It will likely not have those lines ingame.
Maybe they're making one last DS Pokémon, (Grey) , before they go over to 3DS development, just to keep the tradition going?
Nah, you needed some massive adapter cartridge that you put into the slot first.
Hey, that RHYMES.
It has a glorious splash of colour in the upper right corner though!
It's just a retouched high-definition photo.
Aye, that sucked..
I really don't think we'll be seeing Skyward Sword making the leap to Wii 2 though, not at the expense of the Wii players.
It would also work for Pokémon stadium games.
The first thing that comes to mind, is that stupid ticket guy thing at the cat races in Grim Fandango, I had no idea how to get the right number to win..
So, I guess this will be one of the last Wii games to be released then?
That man needs to come back to the video game industry and create us some revolutionary city building dream game!
Too grand a plan for it, turned out slimmed down to shits.
Man, that's exactly the same as me!
Yup, most of the armour sets in the games had some sort of shiny lights on them.
AND YET, the ps2 is available in stores.
It worked for the N64 with it's expansion pak... kinda.
Yeah, but with no real competitors for at least 2 years, how much won't they sell purely on the improved graphics, people are mad about them graphics.