Boomerang Python

Considering this is Saints Row, I wouldn't be surprised if there are actual jetpacks in the game!

I always thought that was him!

It's the reason why Red Alert games are so badass!

Woah, the new town square is glorious! The old one always made me feel... uneasy.

3DS needs this. Stat.

It's... beautiful!

Prepare to prepare the preppy preps!

So I guess it's Ninty's turn to go last this year, huh?

Mmmm, Skies. So why didn't you finish?

That's what the Virtual Console has to offer this month, at least.*

Sweet, wonder if we'll have any Giant crabs to kill though. A game with that would be gold.

Yuri should have been in RA3.. :/

only in bizarro world

I'm getting it for both Steam and 360.

Didn't seem that dumb to me, more human.

It is swedish!

Battlefield 1942 had the multiplayer maps as a sort of campaign where you just played against AI bots. Battlefield 2 skipped campaign completely and just had some Singleplayer version of the multiplayer aswell with bots (unless that was a mod, can't remember).

Yep, and it would also allow you to keep the moves you use more secret if you were playing with someone else next to you and stuff like that.

I smell Pokémon Stadium.

I've been using both my 3ds and Pokéwalker at the same time, I've found that the 3ds counts less steps than the Pokéwalker.. Might be because I put the pokewalker in a pocket and the 3ds in a backpack.. hmm