Boomerang Python

I'm thinking they might use these at special events or something. Doubt they'll ever hit the stores!

Give them nothing. Take from them, EVERYTHING!

I must admit, crafting, no matter how much grinding there is to them, is one of the main reasons I enjoy playing MMO's. Hopefully the one MMO I'm looking forward to (Dark Millenium Online) will have something like it aswell.

On a related note, in the new Dawn of War 2 expansion, if you upgrade a guardsman squad to carry new weapons they say "It's dangerous to go alone, take this." occasionally.

Dude, piracy isn't just about games. Movies are pretty much dead because of it.

Yeah I buy them now too, but there's millions of kids out there who don't have money so they pirate things instead, because it's so common place.

And how many have they arrested? Pretty much one person has been found guilty in the entire country, they're only going for the big bad pirating whatchamacallit clubs.. They need to go make some examples of regular people, as bad as that sounds, it will make piracy go down. For a while.

It helps that he's swedish, where piracy is pretty much what everyone does nowadays.

I see what you're saying, I doubt we'll ever have such a 'Wow' leap in graphics though, It'll most likely be smaller steps from now on, perhaps in animation techniques and such along the way aswell.

Yep, way foggy. Also, I usually think bigger is better when it comes to open fields in games or open world games overall.

AR Cards, baby!

They did edit Pokémon Snap! actually, and added a feature so you could post your photographs on the Wii message board. But that's about the only game.

AND to one up you, ADD IN functionality so you can transfer pokemon from those games to the new 3ds pokemon games.. Similar to what you could do if you had a DS Lite + a GBA pokemon game + a DS pokemon game.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii?

Hmm, living blog!? what in the world!

War.. War never changes..

It helps that both devs are swedish..

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the fonts Nintendo are using, they are easy on the eyes, and easy to read in a hurry. I don't see what's so wrong with that.

