Boomerang Python

Oh thank crap for that!

Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger.

The only thing I'm wondering is, have they gotten rid of that stupid rickety volume slider that is so bloody annoying?

I'm just gonna make do with pokemon black until some proper Ninty titles are released.. like pokemon 3ds :P (Zelda and marios obviously too)

Yeah, but it doesn't seem very substantial, It feels like it's the airplane bit from Wii Sports Resort but with added jetpacks and gliders... I dunno, It is the most promising of the 3ds launch games in my opinion though..

Same, I even had to pre-order Black or White before they switched on the download thingymajig, which is slightly disgusting.. I mean Gamespot is taking a fee for you to get a Pokémon usually supplied for free by Nintendo.

Wait.. what 3D games...?

These are not the 3DS games you're looking for. Move along.

It's an excellent game, however it did get a tad boring after a few weeks..

Bring Down the Sky, wasn't really a bridging DLC either though! Nice however.

Wait.. Didn't Nintendo buy the Xenogears developers? I assume they didn't buy the rights to the Xenogear franchise then..

True true, I was mostly thinking about the hair being kind of similar..

That last bit was quite the mouth-full, but I completely agree. CnC4 was a stain on a otherwise (in my opinion) mostly flawless franchise.

That is all.

Is that Johnny Gat I spy with my little eye? Or is it just a guy looking wry?

And second set of eyes.

"I'm Rick James, bitch!"

Oh man, that game was so awesome it's silly..

Now playing

Dude, drugs are shit no matter where you live.