
Go O’s!

I am, and I completely agree.

Ummmm.... hold the fuck on. I’m a defense attorney, and if you’re telling me the two “victims” don’t know who hit them, how the FUCK is Revis charged? This isn’t a game, you have to have probable cause for an arrest. “I don’t know who hit me, but that guy was there,” is never enough. Revis’ attorneys are going to have

Woah woah woah... you don’t think an upper decker is funny?!? Are you a terrorist?

Where at?


It can be disrespectful and not racist. This isn’t that complicated.

As an attorney, I concur with your analysis on this particular incident.

And leave his car there, and the cops would just let him walk away? Nope, and the courts resoundingly agree.

Your analogy is off, if a cop sits next to either side of you on a bus, you still have a means of egress. Here, he did not.

I’m sure they were well aware of this tape, likely even saw it. They wouldn’t have picked him up if they weren’t willing to take whatever PR hit that comes with it. He fell asleep at the wheel, he didn’t hit his wife in an elevator. He’ll be fine.

There are a multitude of different versions of DUI/DWI. Officers usually charge all of them and let the attorneys sort it out.

If he has good attorneys (which I’m sure he will) they will win this case. First, before any indication of drunkenness, they box his car from the front and rear. This is effectively an arrest, lacking probable cause. The Standard Field Sobriety Tests are not done, except for the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) which

Truth. I do a lot of Federal Defense work, and every time I ask an AUSA where they went to school and they say “in Boston,” you’re just supposed to know. Although my brother went to Tufts, and loves to say the same thing.

Here’s a good read for those curious about the legal ramifications if this were to happen in the US.

They often are considered and levied. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens in this instance. Along with a pricey civil suit. (Most recently see Marty McSorley).

A little out of budget: but my Audi A7 is amaze-balls.

Came here to say the exact same thing... great minds.

The sheriffs dept has said that account was inaccurate and is not what happened. The evidence seems to show that all three shots were fired from inside Gassers vehicle.