
More concern!

Um how is there not more information from the article slash questions from the commentary about the fungus in his nose?

It wasn’t until the end of the second act that I realized Relic wasn’t about Robert Clothier’s character from The Beachcombers.

See, I want to point out that the concept we’re discussing when we speak of a ‘curse’ is that there are multiple tragedies tied to a particular point of reference without necessarily saying that the thing itself is the cause. There’s the curse of star wars, the curse of the crow, curse of the exorcist, even a curse

Said it before, I’ll say it again.

And they call the act ... The Aristocrats!

Shocked to see Chris D’Elia has been accused of being a comedian.

James is wrong. Thank you for coming to my TEA-Talk.

This is the one Pixar movie I haven’t seen. I pretty much always forget it even exists. It doesn’t feel like a big loss.

That shit with the tiki.

get fucked.

Make the footage of Notary public, Disney.

It absolutely will not stop, unless it sees its shadow.

You’re right. That’s the best photo of you I’ve ever seen.

Only if you take the Palins along with it.

I am too old for this, but there’s a really great Vine about this that makes me laugh every time I see it.

Batman and Robin actually filmed those scenes on flat ground with the camera rotated 90 degrees, so no, that won't work.

To: The SI Staff