
People who type in all caps.

The one I always see is where he hands his card to Brad Pitt in Vampire Lestat, and the card is dickbutt.


Any excuse for Bill Hader is a good excuse

First comment I see on something powerful for women is somebody making a misogynistic comment. I think you think you’re funny, but you’re just lame. People like you are why my teenage daughter doesn’t like people.

Bill Buckner, God rest his soul, cringed at that error.

How come ‘directions to the library’ is like the second thing they teach you in every foreign language class? Slow your roll, man! I’m still illiterate over here.

Okay, so the videos are in Italian. As someone who took French in high school (which is very close to Italian), I can tell you that the umpire is not saying “I like to play sports with my brother” or “I would like to go to the store.”

Now playing

Obligatory, any time sex Halloween costumes are mentioned:

I’m not the only one who read that in Stallone’s voice, right?

Duh - the worst tweet ever is this one:

I’m glad I’ve never heard of any of those people.

You’re not alone, friend

I know I’m in the minority for this, but I legit enjoy “Let’s Go to Prison”


Less of a prank, more the best lie I ever told: My fiancé’s friend M. was a magazine publisher. Flashy, smart, nice guy but a bit up himself. At a party he said he’d been watching an ad for Riverdance - “Why don’t Irish people move their arms while dancing?”, he asked.

Our college dining hall had several rooms separated by dividers that left a gap of two feet or so before the ceiling. A group of us staged three puppet show performances utilizing this gap as a stage and silverware as the players.

The first “show” was an incoherent spur-of-the-moment improvisation. The
second and third

So in late January this year, my husband and I decided to play the odds with unprotected lovemaking. When Valentine’s Day rolled around, I started sweating the decision, so that morning, I decided to pop into a drug store for a pregnancy test even though I was only a day late. I was in a cold sweat all the way to work.