
I think a better question is why isn’t there a life-sized carboard cutout of Paul Rudd in other places.

This headline is the new g.o.a.t

Protect this person.  I have no further input, just protect.

Ogrish. That’s the one that had all the raw jihadi footage of coalition vehicles getting blown up by IEDs and graphic beheadings and stuff like that. There was one video on there of a Russian soldier getting his throat cut by the mujahedeen that I can’t get out of my head even after 20 years.  Ya, that site will not

Start with the Border Trilogy, All the Pretty Horses, The Crossing and Cities of The Plain...and don’t do Blood Meridian next either, put The Road in there first. Because you gotta be good and ready for that level of fucked up, that book made me take a McCarthy break for like 5 years

Personally I’m waiting for the General Mills Cinematic Universe (the GMCU) with a Count Chocula, Boo Berry, Franken Berry team up. They could fuck up the Lucky Charms leprechaun and the Trix rabbit has to go eat Wheaties about it until his intervention from the Pillsbury Dough Boy or something, and then there’s a

They’re very intelligent. Maybe some of them are just fucking psychos.  Like us.

Now playing

My entire generation discovered Bohemian Rhapsody through Wayne’s World.
Back during Pre-internet the Queen gatekeepers had to go through the phonebook, cold call everyone, find the kids hearing it for the first time, and then physically drive around to individual houses to shit on them and rant for twenty minutes

fuck sakes, anytime I see a name in a headline with a “top whatever” list I think they died and I missed it.

I have a signed receipt from Rueben “Hurricane” Carter from when he paid a bill.

She has been super mentally ill for decades:

I sleep on my feet like a horse is the funniest mom line ever

His twitter is pretty good too:

I’ve made a huge mistake.

Every Canadian is duty bound to show the rest of the world the well researched CBC version of this story:

I had a dealership take the plates off my car when I was on a test drive. I would have bought the fucking thing too if they hadn’t been so shady. It was a three year old wrx with low miles and...nope, I’m just getting mad all over again.

come on Netflex was right there...I’ll see myself out

I kept waiting for ...I’m not sure what, but it was fucking trash.  I thought about ending things.