but...crying let’s the sadness out.
but...crying let’s the sadness out.
Those are 22 shootings. In schools. With kids in them.
Every one of them affects not only the entire staff and student population of the school but everyone else with any ties to kids or schools or basic decency. Whyn’t you go take your numbers and factor in the thousands of people all impacted by these super rare,…
Ya, that’s kinda awkward there, bud.
Ed the Sock is on fire today.
Tell em all, póg mo thóin
Around 2001 I worked at a record/cd store with a couple of really cool people and this one obnoxious little twerp who was hired by one of the partners with no input from anyone else, he was just there one day. He was a young fella named Nate. He was way too familiar with everyone right away, way too over eager and…
Oh these fucking incels...this is why we can’t have can’t have nice things
Corona should use that: It’s a cheap and shitty product, just not inexpensive.
The moral of the book 1984 is - don’t let this happen.
Ah, you’re alright.
Guess he missed the dislcaimer “Wonder Showzen contains offensive, despicable content that is too controversial and too awesome for actual children. The stark, ugly and profound truths Wonder Showzen exposes may be soul-crushing to the weak of spirit. If you allow a child to watch this show, you are a bad parent or…
I’d rather sound like a dick than a simpleton.
Elephants. There’s nothing in the rulebook that says an elephant can’t play.
Apparently Roger was traveling solo to the States to be reunited with his 6-year-old owner; when the boy’s grandmother arrived to pick him up
Hot shirt.
...hmm, yes, this timeline makes no sense...needs more shark repellent
Was just watching him in a bunch of old vines:
I like the Bolivian army commander running up as the entire Bolivia army regiment is pinned down, “How many men?” and the guy goes, “Dos.”