Ya, that’s my read too, if MMA fighters were told that their gloves would prevent all but the hardest head shots from causing concussions it would be a similar thing but they’re not told that. And no one thinks that either.
Ya, that’s my read too, if MMA fighters were told that their gloves would prevent all but the hardest head shots from causing concussions it would be a similar thing but they’re not told that. And no one thinks that either.
And in a country where he’s god and santa rolled into one person. BBy the way, the guy who got him was tackled and shitkicked and is also in hospital.
Oof fuck, that’s terrifying
Don’t forget - stay in your lane, Chris.
So here’s the comment where the commenter says a thing just to say it - in this case to say that the explainer blog is one of those devices you get like, maybe three of lifetime, and this was a pretty good use of it - the take isn’t that hot, the joke is either boring, obvious, or was omitted entirely (it was omitted…
oh those double-wide sad eyes, i have no idea who this person is but I feel for them
Makes no sense? You mean the studio that brought us time travelling wolverine who insisted on talking about being time travelling wolverine and who also explained how being time travelling wolverine works when people from the past want to confront past wolverine (because SEX!) while future wolverine is just showing…
That’s your takeaway? I read this as FBI Confirms Bigfoot Real, Covered in Deer Hair
Ya, not a no hitter.
Dude, I thought I’d be all peer pressured to try every kind of illicit, illegal, dangerous recreational drug and it didn’t ever happen. The 80's were full of shit, I had to pay for all my drugs *AND* ask for them by name...lying-ass decade. I want my assorted drugs baggie!
I wonder why he doesn’t wear a military uniform with a bunch of medals on it.
Weird coincidence, I went through the entire Bad New Bears IMDB the other day to see if any of em were actors. They weren’t.
Combine this one with Roth’s, Lauren, and please take over the actual office of the commissioner
that’s...ya, not alarmist, that’s 350,000 pedophiles watching it on purpose and 50 thousand regular people watching it and going, “why the fuck does this video of children playing in a pool have so many views...oh no, right. that’s why.”
Deja vu is hitting hard with this one
Agree/Affirm, Kattan is a super unreliable narrator.
I think there should also be a second batter’s box at the 1,000 foot mark where batter #2 can forward pass/re-hit that ball off a tee at a second full set of defensive players
Oh hang on, you mean Ethan Embry, Frick from Dorothy and the Witches of Oz?
Hey Whipple, squeeze this!
I had an incel co-worker years before I knew the word ‘incel’ so I can tell you a little about the un-fuckable hate army mindset. A defining characteristic of an incel is to not only be a loyal soldier in the un-fuckable hate army, but to somehow stay that way forever as bitterly as possible.