The phrase “Mighty Ducks” very nearly appeared on the fucking Stanley Cup in 2003
The phrase “Mighty Ducks” very nearly appeared on the fucking Stanley Cup in 2003
Cannot fucking wait for “when-wolf”
I was just thinking the same thing, how did anyone read far along enough into a Chris Kattan autobiography to ever see this? What a blunt tool that guy is.
I think it means the opposite, the grown-ups literally HAVE to now strip the Man from the Deed and defend the Deed and fucking win. Hopefully after they’re done they turn the man over to the rapist sniffing dogs but until then, grownups unite and save this horrible asshole (from the fate he definitely deserves, but jus…
My farts smelled so bad that they WOKE ME UP in the middle of the night.
And just like that you wrote a better article and it wasn’t even a contest.
I need someone to find a reason to get his to draw a clock face on live television.
And if there were a way to combine several people moving units in an end-to-end fashion, they could all go in the same direction at the same speed at the same time and stop at convenient areas. It’s just like Uber in a tunnel.
Some people get obsessed with transit.
We were all just as excited in 1985, and I’m somehow still as let down as I was in 1985.
that Dan bought in a haunted Philadelphia garbage mart
Miss you, Craggs.
As a British Columbian, Washington drivers all think they’re the 13th Seahawk.
Came here for the Elephant Story +1
Smugger, Nick?
I have never once read one of these Dead Letters and thought, “that’s actually a pretty good point” but...Luis Paez-Pumar got fucking owned here.
Oh my god...he admit it!
Agree/Affirm - fuck this thing in the eye.