
1986. Astroworld in Houston, Texas. Black Celebration tour (Book of Love opening). Amazeballs.

Put hands on my hypothetical child and see what happens. If they act up, call me and I will handle it as a parent since you have failed to discipline them adequately to deter their behavior. But the moment you decide that you think it is ok to put your hands on my child is the day you might find me on the 6 o’clock

“I believe at the end of the day we’re teaching our students about violence,”Norton said.

Anyone else find it annoying when white people only point out sexism in rap, but never rock or pop?

Yours is the response she needed. The response I felt but couldn’t write nor articulate. Thank you.

*gasp* An intelligent young man with a white mother and a black father grappled with his racial identity as he moved out into the world during his years in higher education, much of it in a very privileged white environment?


Another day. Another group of people coming along, not leaving the Obamas alone.

Jealous of Michelle is what is fueling the Obama book industry’s attempt at throwing dirt at Barrack. The same industry that justified giving Milo a book contract. Never forget who these people really are.

Sometimes I think white people are just pure sadists. I can’t understand why they hate our children so fucking much.

Somebody has to say it.

As someone who participated in their black grad ceremony, it’s infuriating that people still think this. I mean, damn, I see no problem with the LGBT having their own, nor any other race. But since a certain group’s feelings are hurt about “exclusion”, then damn.

All confederate followers and sympathizers should be rounded up and deported. Simple as that. You don’t want to be part of the U.S., and like to fly your flag from another country, then you and all your belt buckles can kindly leave.

So dedicated to being a skinhead he even removed his eyebrows.

I made it to 1:07 and I feel like I deserve some kind of reward for that.

“Let me know if I can fuck with you, boy” is easily one of the worst lyrics I’ve ever heard. It’s probably supposed to sound cheeky or sexy or something, but it comes off more as menacing. Like, “I’m going to psychologically abuse and manipulate you and you’re going to like it.”

Also, in five years, no one worth spending time with is really going to give a shit where you went to college.

Let me preface this by stating that I am old as the hills and I suck at shade.

You could literally lists thousands of examples of Trump’s corruption and incompetence (just in the past year, forget trying to make a list over his lifetime, how much time do you have?). What’s Tomi got on Congresswoman Waters? Let’s see the list.

LOL you just KNOW Angela’s bout to say some shit. Just look at her hand in that still. On god, you know when a woman has her hand up like that she is about to bring the Holy Trinity to come down and rain fire on your ass.

Fake news! Don’t you remember the clean bill of health DT got from his doctor?!?