
Goodbye work!

Head to tail this time Obi-wan. Head to tail.

I just felt the same thing.

Nah, it’s totally different. GRRM’s constantly delaying something people really want and are excited about. 

All planets jettison their trash before exploding.

MacGruber gifs always get a star from me!

because the women are on strike?

Prepare to die?

Gets plenty of free horsey rides that way

I was thinking the same thing!

PSST it’s based on comic books

Then maybe you should have moved out of his way.

Let’s go with a non Liefeld character and say he’d make a good Puck, eh?

The Bombad Adventures of Jar Jar Binks

Right? Giving an indestructible skeletal armor, and claws, to a near indestructible being. I am sure only hilarity and hi-jinks will ensue.

You’ll call it what it tells you to call it.