Novel Solution

Totally not the point of the contest submission but appropriate for Jezebel. A Facebook acquaintance shared that awful meme about how Biden wants to kill babies 5 minutes before they’re born. Some woman commented that she is a nurse at an OB office and has had to carry dead aborted fully grown fetuses to the

At least she’ll really have something to be angry about now... ;-)

I really wonder what’s going on at Delta. They’ve been really aggressive about enforcing mask-wearing on their flights even to the point of permanently banning people from flying on their planes and now this. Tossing Karen off the flight is one thing but an upgrade and a “Black Lives Matter” Delta pin? I’m stunned. If

Hopefully the airlines are sharing the “disruptive passenger” lists with each other.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

Smug bitchiness, huh?

During his public speech during Black Lives Matter, he said, he may never work again... And Hollywood Twitter came out rallying for him. He will definitely be getting work and really quality work at that. I’m excited for him.

Got my hair done/did!

Agree, Lupita would absolutely kill in that dress, even if it is polyester. 

That 100% polyester ectoplasm dress is a monstrosity of color, material, and proportion. There’s a reason it’s on clearance.

That is a breathtakingly hideous color for her. I could see it working on like Lupita Nyong’o

You know that shade of green is uses for green screens specifically because its a shade you do not see very often because its jarring and uncomfortable. Why would you wear clothes of that color. No one looks good as a lime Popsicle.

This about sums it up.

That gesture screams, "I'm only here so I don't lose my inheritance."

At least in the winter here, I can put on my coat and gear and go outside. There’s not much you can do in extreme heat and humidity. 

Disney has been really good about the mask mandate. They saw too many idiots in the park walking around with their masks down/off while holding a beverage and then enforced a rule that anyone eating or drinking needs to sit their ass down somewhere.

California adventure at least has booze.

Yeah, if I’m running on the shreds of my reduced unemployment and facing teaching my three kids at home I probably ain’t heading for The Happiest Hot Spot On Earth.

As a now Angeleno raised in Florida, this isn’t too surprising. Most people who live in Florida aren’t too into Disney World past the age of 11-13 and I don’t know who on earth is traveling to that cess pool right now. It’s fun seeing it through kids’ eyes again but at the end of the day it’s still sort of a chore