Novel Solution


Wait, wait, your chinchilla is named Hannibal Lecter!?! That is delightful and would love to serve him tiny plate of fava beans and a thimble of chianti.

Thieves and rapists, eh.

100% Legend, sweetiedarling. 

I’m just so bloody thrilled ‘Dune’ is coming back to the big screen.

This reminds me that I need (NEED) to stop my gods-awful habit of pulling out my edges of my eyebrows.

Will need one more penguin for that, thanks.

Chadwick was such a bright and glorious light. This year has been so cruel. 

You’re not wrong. I’ve been here about seven years and most adults, especially those sans kiddies ( Mr. Novel and myself for example) aren’t too big on DW. Mind you, there are some great restaurants ( plus this really great cocktail bar that served serious Manhattans) and shows that catered to the 21 and up crowd but

Seriously. I mean, I live here and don’t spend too much time outside during the summer. It is gross, oppressive, and makes you feel all sticky. Yes, summer is when most people have their vacations but honestly, November to February is best. Weather won’t try to kill you then, not entirely. 

Yeah, I don’t like to get too judgey about names but Onyx says “I’m changing my name at 18 to Oliver/Olivia.”

My condolences in regards to your friend. 

Many, many moons ago, I went to one of what must have been several right-of-passage  Chuck E. Cheese birthdays ( think late 80s Gaithersburg, Maryland). I pulled at the Chucky’s tail rather hard because little kids are jerks. Apparently he flipped me off as I was running off to the ball pit. Anyway, I also remember

Thank you.

Huh, she reminds me of my Auntie Niella circa the 1970s.

This is what it means to have a platform and to use it well. 

“Space Karen.”

You are not wrong there.

Right! I mean, should we be looking for little dolls of the Trump and Pence family with buttons sewn over the eyes?!

The photo from the very top makes her look like the Other Mother in ‘Coraline,’