Novel Solution

True. Will lend him a helping paw.

Otterly stricken with delight.

I want to go on all sorts of Hiyo Miazaki(sic)-esque adventures with this little fellow!!!!

Oh my goodness, what a darling. I want to scratch her ears to boop he nose. What is her name?

Good question.

Full confession: Once I had a single dorm in college, I would write all my papers in my under-things. Very relaxing.

Scott Pilgrim. Starred Michael Cera.

I love the somewhat sci-fi glamour of the silver rings and her amazing lavender hair ( that dreams are made of). Her choice of lipstick is perfection and, Christina does know how to work with more outrageous styles. She looks good, it suits her. The black top, even with the boob-window, compliments her hair really

*high-fives, packs up, goes home*

Instead of blue, green, and grey she liked yellow, three-day-old banana brown, and mango orange?

I can’t even Hate Watch it any more. It sets such a bad (no horrible) example for weight loss.

I’m waiving at fat.....

There is an article on Slate on how GoT is going from a war of Kings to a war of Queens. Now, I don’t know how much this is going to play out this season but, even with so many women falling and dying last season, it seems several are set to rise. Yes, Tomman is king but angry, grieving Cersi is regent and revenge is

New profile pic is wonderful.

I want to star this so many times.

may you have lots of good days ahead. congrats on the new baby and, best of luck in all things. :-).

I love this movie. All the Hearts and stars for you.

Heartburn is coming.

I just can’t even right now. I cannot.

THANK YOU, GOOD GOD! Who would photoshop her? WHY?!