Novel Solution

I am so, so, sorry and angry that happened to you. Sending strength if it helps.

Exactly! Yes.

From one lifelong ( non-denominational) Christian to another, it terrifies, sickens, and worries me beyond words. Anyone who truly professes to have the mercy, compassion, understanding, spiritual level-headedness, and charity of the faith should be horrified at the above.

YES. This, thank you.

I want to set this quote on fire.

It is not everyday you read about someone who has totally failed at being a human being. But yes, this women as failed at being human. Congrats.

D. Totally D. You can have faith and common sense. Having faith, as it were, in science, medicine, doctors, and life-saving technology does not discount believing ( and having faith) in something/one else. Pray all you want but for the love of God ( ha!), go to your doctor, gyno, paediatrician, dentist, get

I am laughing way to hard about this. Thank you. My Friday needed this. :-)

“ It was a quarter to midnight and Dr. Jones and Jesus had reached an impasse in their diagnosis. It wasn’t Lupus. Jesus was insisting it was Lupus. It was never Lupus.”

I hope no one tries to claim this child is suffers mental illness. This kid is not mentally ill, he is an entitled ass-hole.

Your hair is amazing and deserves all the mad love :-). Thanks for the tips! I have heard good things about Miss Jessie’s products though using Garnier at the moment. I am bad about touching my hair when drying though.

Hello, another curly-girl over here! How do you do this?! HOW?!

Giving off a serious uber-chic 1960’s French film heroine vibe. I love everything about this look.

Looks great and really suits you!

Hmmm. Good point, very good point. Missing out on lobster salad, home-made brownies, and tasteful centrepieces of peony, tea rose, and French linen are totes legitimate. I suggest, for the sake of awesome picnics, you are single and own at least half a dozen Ralph Lauren jumpers. That demographic seems to have better

*turns over turtle* “Let me tell you about my mother.......”

First Question: You can’t eat/ have issues with dairy. You have two dessert options, cheesecake and strawberry ice. Which option is best for you?

If Joseph Goebbels and a (very) drunken Muppet hooked up, Trump is what you would get.

As a former DC resident, I totally get this. I mean, you can be thrilled by the Pope but, not by the traffic and clogged metro. I was the Red Line.....

Ooh, shiny! Thank you.