The bread sticks are for the mouth part of my face and the hand part of my arms!
The bread sticks are for the mouth part of my face and the hand part of my arms!
I want to high-five him. In the face. With an espresso maker.
#newcatchphrase #whishiknewsomeonenamesjacob.
No substitutions!!!
May I have my non-crunchy Gestapo soup in a monogrammed Thermos to go. Also, 3 dozen bread sticks, please.
I am sorry you are having a rough day. I don’t know why but, I hope you find the support you need and people and who care. Oh, and lots of kitty cuddles from your fluffy fur-kid. I would send you a gif of adorable things but do not know how. Internet cheer from this mad,mad little peninsula. *hugs and yummy stuff you…
I lack wine, any booze really, and no smokes ( though do not smoke ). This makes me sad.
Awww. You beat me to it!
Oh yes! All the tweed! Buckets of cashmere! Jaunty ties! Even bow ties, bow ties are cool. A fabulous coat for Mr. Fox and elegant 30s style trouser suits for Ms. Holmes. Also, thinking of a scene ( just before catching the notorious international jewel thief) with tailored black suiting and swinging beads.
Would it be too much to wish for this as costume drama a la ‘Poirot’ or, modern with tons of snazzy outerwear?
The Lady Cassandra, The ‘Last True Human.’ New Doctor Who Season One.
Oh my goodness, I am not the only one that was annoyed by that, thank the lord! I liked the show but seriously,Sossamon is about the same age as me and they ( the show ) actually thought they could pull off her having a 17 year old! I was all ‘no. just no.’
Jellybaby? *hands over bag*
What you are doing is wonderful, essential, and a blessing to many. Keep up the amazing work!
Sometimes I wish I could leave my community when it is That Time of The Month. As long as my menstrual hut contains wine, chocolate, cheese, tea, and Netflix
In regards to the first BCO...
I am sad I cannot cuddle this amazing dog. Great pic.
Drink all the cocktails! Pour all the wine!
*Lifts fabulous imaginary cocktail in your direction, toasts your awesomeness.*