
You kid but I would pay a lot to watch Hollyhock’s Murder Mysteries...

Yep exactly. I knew it was going to happen after seeing Emerson tweet that he was flying to a different city for a new job but that doesn’t mean it makes sense. The writers must have scrambled to write him out after Emerson declined to stay on for the full season.

Lena mentioned Ruby thought Sam had gone to work and that’s why she called her.

Yeah, having Alex’s aggressiveness be fueled by her overprotectiveness towards Kara, building on easily the best relationship of the show rather than in her angst over Maggie which has been rehashed over and over again was a dumb choice.      

Nah, Stephen Amell is signed on for 7 seasons and Marc Guggenheim has stated on record many times that ratings don’t matter to CW. Season 7 might be its last but it’s definitely going to happen.

Yeah that would have made way more sense.

I’m so sorry for your loss. I watch AoS with my family too :/

Would love for Vijay to come back but since the actor is stuck in that god awful Resident show, it seems unlikely. Maybe next season?

Sorry for your loss :(

I don’t think anybody is arguing that the dog was worth more than Jack’s life. Literally anyone on the show, including Kate, would have happily traded the dog for Jack. Jack, himself, if he actually had time to think about would choose his life over his dog’s because he knows Kate needs him more than she needs her

The National Guard didn’t even fly in when Damien Darkh had nuclear bombs all over the ENTIRE WORLD. So, in comparison, them not coming when just one city is under siege is no biggie.

SA is contract for 7 seasons so that works out. Are we ever going to see Dig’s family though? I know the actress for Lyla is busy but at least some mentions of his wife and son would be nice.

Retconning Asher killing Sinclair in cold blood as an “accident” is almost daring in the writers’ desperation to take back something that establishes one of their main characters as a cold blooded murder. Ugh

I’m just pretending they “borrowed” a bunch of ARGUS icers from the Team Arrow bunker because other wise the Newbies smug moral superiority over OTA makes ZERO sense

Excellent review. I agree this episode was a bit messy in some points (NTA just seems too whiny, the villains’ plan seems convoluted and the FBI/some federal government not intervening is baffling) but EBR killed it and that montage was perfection.

I have no idea where they are heading with this entire Dig and Oliver

Hey now at least the cast does a good job and has great chemistry in Runways. Inhumans was like watching a constipated grumpy man forced to reenact a poorly rehearsed play with his third cousin during Thanksgiving dinner

If ABC renews this garbage and cancels Agents Of Shield, I riot

Come on no mention of Manish Dayal in your Resident preview? He may not be as big a name as Matt Schurzy or Emily Van Camp but he looks to be the audience surrogate and had a pretty solid arc in Agents of Shield damn it!

They should have killed Zeke instead of Tess. What purpose has he served again?

(The actor has a main role in a new midseason show so it’s unlikely unfortunately)