Why? When would you wear these? Uggs and Teva’s while not terribly attractive are at least functional. What’s the function of fuzzy open toed boots?
Why? When would you wear these? Uggs and Teva’s while not terribly attractive are at least functional. What’s the function of fuzzy open toed boots?
10 was really just an example. Idk enough about this to get more specific; maybe a shorter time makes more sense or maybe an exam in-between that you had to pass by year 5 would be better. I’d also like to see a lot more pre-screening for the police academy. It’s not like there aren’t psychological tests out there…
My husband was saying the other day that a good way to weed out the worst might be to have there be time limit on how long you can be in uniform. Something like if you can’t pass the detective exam in 10 years you’re out and after thinking about it a little it doesn’t seem like a terrible idea. At least where I am…
Oh yeah, I know that. I’ve always kind of wondered (particularly for black cops) how much of it’s an effect of being a cop and how much of it’s why they became a cop.
But I’m sure they’ll point out that the officer who shot him was also black.
Ok, but if this is an open secret in Hollywood does Disney/Marvel really pick him to be Iron Man? Seems unlikely to me.
I’m so sorry, it is really hard to make that decision.
My kitty is doing pretty ok actually. She did have a bit of a decline about 6 months ago but according to my vet other than mild kidney issues and a little weight loss she’s perfectly healthy (and she actually likes the kidney diet soft food I’ve been getting).…
I think his cave was bigger than that room though.
My mom keeps saying that about our pets because we’ve been very lucky in that our recent pets have lived quite a long time; my cat is almost 21 and my sister’s rabbit (who mostly lives with my mom) is 12 or so.
My mouth was already open or my jaw would have dropped at that point.
I absolutely agree. We gave up on TDS not long after the switch because it just wasn’t working.
I can only assume it’s a defense mechanism he developed growing up in that environment.
I’m having a mild/moderate depressive episode that started pretty much exactly when the polls started to get really close again. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Oh yeah, super young and inexperienced at presenting himself to the world. Add that to reality show editing and he came off as way more smug? I’m not sure that’s the right word exactly, than he actually is. I didn’t care for a lot of his designs (so many puffed sleeves!) but I could see that it was quality work.
Actually it’s gotten so bad that an increasing number of police are starting to carry Narcan.
Not exactly, there are probably 2 closets and one wardrobe type thing. My freshman year I lived in a triple turned quad and we had 3 closets and 1 wardrobe. It actually wasn’t that bad; we all got along reasonably well and the bedroom was separate from the living area so it was possible to for people to be doing…
I know soy is hard because it’s in everything. I have a friend who can’t have soy and she even has to get special eggs; not exactly convenient!
That makes sense about the two different processes and I’ll have to remember it for my son in the future. He possibly/probably has Celiac but since we don’t have an official…
That one went straight into the back of the toy cabinet and has been out only once (in almost 2 years!) when my husband moved the stuff that was hiding it from view and my daughter spotted it. She was super excited, played with it for about 5 min, and after I hid it again that night she never asked for it again.
Are doctors testing non-fasting blood sugar levels now (other than in pregnant women)? I’d be really surprised to hear that’s not a fasting level.
My husband grew an inch after college but I know that’s extremely rare.