
This is actually a huge problem for the grapefruit industry right now. They haven’t been successful at getting younger people to eat grapefruit (it’s mostly a time issue) and the older population that did eat grapefruit can’t anymore because of their medications. (I heard a story about this on NPR a while ago)

Men are not a protected class; minorities, women, and gay people are.

I feel this (although the beard trimmings are actually one of the few things my husband cleans up without prompting ;) ). We’ve been married almost 10 years and I’ve had to decide that rather than be frustrated that I have to ask him to do ____ I’m going to be happy that he just does whatever it is and doesn’t get

I hope your daughter is ok; seizures are super scary for everyone.

I’ve read that one of the reasons the first year is so hard for some people is that they expect things to be magically different/better now that they’re married and they aren’t.

That doesn’t really mean anything though given our expanded understanding of the autism spectrum. 20 or 30 years ago most higher functioning kids never got a diagnosis even if they were evaluated. Also, with the new diagnostic criteria for autism in the DSM V there are lots of kids who suddenly qualify as on the

I read a book written by a young man with Autism and he describes how basically his biggest problem with social interactions (and why he isolates himself) is almost crippling emotional empathy. I definitely see this trait in my son. He’s a little slow to pick up on some of those social cues but he’s an incredibly

Because that’s only been the case since the end of WWII and the men (who inherit anyway) can marry commoners.

Really? Helping Sheldon relate to the world is pretty much Sheldon and Leonard’s whole dynamic, especially in the early seasons. The dynamic with Penny is pretty similar too once they become friends.

It’s definitely not the best beginning to a relationship but it’s not as creepy as you make it sound either. From what I read he pursued her and she knew a relationship was inappropriate so she basically had his parents send him away to finish school in Paris. People can’t really control their feelings; what they can

I tend to leave high tips too and for some reason this is an ongoing argument with my mother. She still thinks 15% is a lot where my absolute minimum is 20% and I won’t tip less than $5. She about freaked when I left a slightly more than 100% tip of $20 when we went out to lunch just before the holidays last year. I

There’s a good bit of Frank in book 3 because it covers Claire and Jamie’s lives during the past 20 years. I think we’re going to see a lot of it too since the show runners are also Frank fans.

There’s not a lot of Frank in book 2 since it’s mostly Claire telling Brianna about Jamie and Roger trying to track down the historical record. There’s a good bit more of him in book 3 since it covers what happened to Claire and Jamie in the 20 or so years that they’re apart.

It’s really only the first 3rd of Voyager (book 3) that’s slow. Once she goes back through the stones a lot happens very quickly.

Books 4 and 5 definitely drag the most narratively. Once they get more into the war things pick right back up again.

Actually what happens is that Jamie says that about Young Ian and Claire points out that she’s the same way.

“It’s not that he canna look out for himself,” Jamie explained, amusement winning in the struggle of expressions on his face. “He’s a nice capable lad. It’s just - well, ye ken how things just happen around

DG talks a lot about how Randall isn’t gay, he’s a sadist. He gets off on breaking people and he finds Jamie intriguing because he’s hard to break.

What “all” are you talking about? Jack Randall isn’t gay, he’s a sadist who gets off on breaking people and he finds Jamie so intriguing because he’s hard to break. The duke isn’t a child molester; Jamie was 16 when the duke tried to get into his pants which was considered an adult (Marsali is 15 when she marries

I highly recommend them. They’re pretty different from the main books but Lord John and his family are actually very interesting and since some of them play a not insignificant role in the later main books it’s nice to know a bit more of their history.