
Congrats.  In the past, when doing low-carb diets, I would order pizza with lots of toppings and just eat that and leave the crust.  So much of what I find cravable about pizza is the melted cheese and yummy toppings that I really found that I didn’t miss the crust. 

They gave me diabetes.

It’s not as easy as that.

Oh my god, you’re a genius! Why has no person looking to lose weight ever thought of that before???? You win the Nobel prize.

Wow. You should apply your theory to other medical issues as well.  Stop being depressed...cheer up.   Stop being diabetic because its not good for you.  Stop being an alcoholic...drink less.  It’s crazy nobody has ever thought of this approach before.  

Did you know the way to win at baseball is to score more runs than the other team?  You are now an internet expert on baseball.

As a friend of someone who dealt with this, it’s truly an addiction. They got through it, but it took help. Maybe you could not knock on people who are embracing a tool to help them reach a solution. Yeah, some people will go to this as an “easy fix”, but pairing this with increased exercise and working on a better

It’s mind blowing to visit parts of Latin America, like the Mountains just above Oaxaca City, where some of the older people don’t even speak Spanish. As the crow flies, they’re only living 25, 50 miles from a multicultural artists hub. So close, in some instances, that they look down on the city and see the lights at

i bet her sandals hold up longer than Zion’s nikes. 

They got pretty good at cleaning the chairs after Clinton left.

Though the White House is most certainly not a dump, a giant piece of shit did get thrown into the Oval Office recently.

It has also been posted to Jezebel, so you got your wish!

For one brief and lovely moment I thought someone had made a Lobster Johnson movie. Oh well. This still looks like it might be good.

On day 46, Lost Engineer found out there are downsides to indecisiveness.

His entire character arc is “malicious compliance.”

Hee! My meme escaped into the wild! :)

He's sedated. Burns are extremely painful, so he'd be in horrible pain and screaming if he were awake. They knock the koalas out while they clean the burns, inject them with antibiotics and plenty of painkillers before they wake them up.

Breaking: Sony Cancels "Fire and Ice" Amidst Barbarian Threats

This movie is offensive to my barbarian sensibilities as it portrays me in a violent and uncomplimentary light. If this movie is made, I will slaughter everyone in Hollywood— nay, all of California, using my trusty broadsword, Bloodlustslayer, and the Cloak of Ravens, bequeathed to me by Denak, God of the North

Paul Rubens epic death scene in the Buffy that time forgot.