
And then they'd use another graphing calculator to plot the explosion...

I don't think intuition means what you think it means.

There's an excellent essay someplace on why the concept of self-mutilation - of removing a portion of what makes a woman "feminine" - was a major part of the Amazonian mythos, as the greeks told it. And I cannot find it.

Legend of the Seeker could have easily sucked, but instead it was kind of awesome. I miss it!

If they'd just do a movie or TV show where they actually slowed down a bit and showed what it was like for her mother, raising a child in an all-female world, and dealt with all the strangeness - gave it the attention it deserved - there' s a ton of smaller things that are purely excellent fodder for drama in her

But I had WonderWoman underoos as a kid! I can't dump her...

Absolutely nothing, I suppose.

I know a couple people at work who were in a relationship similar to that. Sadly, it broke down when a pregnancy happened.

Just because you were careful not to insult them as a person, doesn't mean you weren't being insulting. The urge to vent is an honest one but not always good for the argument you're making.

Since we're talking poly people in good sci-fi, have you read Adam Troy Castro's books? Those are amazing.

What I was saying was that your statement was interesting except for the bit where you were being nasty to the other commenter.

I kind of want Elijah Wood to play Miles. He's a small guy. Peter Dinkalage is a bit too old for the first books?

He did some juvenile fiction specifically targeted at kids. Not that it wasn't also somewhat gender biased, but some of it was pretty good stuff, considering. Thing was, my high school library also had copies of some of his adult stuff. It's not like the covers didn't scream "adult material" either, what with the

Tacticool: my favorite made up word.

Are they Dragonlance bad? Because after trying to re-read Dragonlance as an adult and realizing exactly how awful the writing really is, that's my new benchmark for bad writing. It's like a measuring post of awful: it's One-Half as bad as Dragonlance is sucktastic. Twice as good as Dragonlance is like the extreme low

And then as an adult you have to wonder how influenced you were by the crazy stuff you read as a kid. Heinlein was probably overall a good influence on me in accepting things that my upbringing would otherwise have made seem awful, but Gor...

Sadface: your image link is broken.

Look. On the bit under her bellybutton, it's higher on the left side of the photo than the right. It drags down on the right.

The only thing I can't surpress is the desire for a nice bit of sushi and a good book. Clearly, I evolved from a highly intelligent species fo shark.

Holy crap that's a brave costume to wear.