
'cause you notice that the model was ... well-fed.

Ok, two upvotes, it's going on my "to-watch" list.

Ok. I know it got good reviews, but it looked rather dreary from the trailers I saw for it. Then again, trailers tend to miss a lot.

Might have to watch it then. Thanks!

I've unhearted people just so I could heart them again. It's not as satisfying as the first time.

I wanted the unicorn to toss the guy with his horn. Just impale him and whip his head back and throw the guy, not just stick and run....

There's the dichotomy between competing with a rival for the top status and the needs of the mission. You have the Army-Navy games, which get quite serious and involve loads of trash talking, but both forces still have the same basic mission statement and still work together in the log term. It's like that.

We don't know that the ritual necessarily always involved schoolgirls, though... just that this one time it involved schoolgirls. Other times it might vary depending on what the designer of the scenario - the high priest, as it were - interpreted. Maybe sometimes they can get away with killing a pair of lovers, maybe

See, I thought about this, and then... is it possible that we're looking at the mosters and the victims backwards in this movie? Seriously, the kids, might they be the mosters, and the killing zombies and cult scientists are the good guys?

The funny thing about the fool in most old stories is that his foolishness is often indistinguishable from wisdom. And no, I don't think it's really possible to read too much into this particular movie.

I'm wondering if all the folks who bet on monsters were subsequently destroyed by the same monsters they bet on?

You're the second person to bring this point up to me, and I didn't understand when the first person said it - but your explanation makes sense.

Shoulda been a tentacle.

Was that any good?

Was it really that good? Because I've never seen it.

An armed society is a polite society. - Robert Heinlein

<3 Stupid Gawkerkraken told me I couldn't reply because your comment was too short so I doubleposted.


Rue is an awesome name. There was a Brit series a little while back, a mystery called "Rosemary and Rue".

I kind of thought "Slither" was a somewhat meta horror movie when it came out. It came on the heels of Firefly being canceled, and seemed to try and maintain a sense of humor.