
OMG A Wild Cards reference! Nobody's mentioned that series since the 90's. Except in recent reference to George R. R. Martin's success...

We started conspiring back in the mid 70's, but there's a pamphlet to get you up to speed.

Cannot wait on this one... want to watch *now*. (I did cave in and watch the trailer.)

Not sure if relieved or sad.

I am rent in twain... shall I give in to temptation and watch this clip, thusly spoiling some moment fo glee when the movie arrives; or shall I be upstanding and faithful to my vows to approach the movie unspoiled?

Right, excellent! Let's just get the paperwork out of the way first. You need to sign this non-disclosure agreement stating you will not discuss the contents of the newsletter with anyone who isn't verifiably a member of the newsletter already. You need to sign this waiver stating you hold us blameless for any mental

I keep telling folks at work that I plan on ruling the world, and when I do, things will be quite different. They never believe me.

Now that's an epic name...

Now I want photos.

Sell tickets to the men's bathroom so people can see the dick dog statue. Then pay for the dental benefits out of the profits from ticket sales.

Exactly: he fails to exhibit foresight. I like to imagine he's perfectly happy, able to replay that last scene over and over in his head, knowing she loved him and didn't abandon him in the end. But what job could a useless robot do for the aliens then? He's become extraneous and has no quest.

It was 3 bloody hours long! I don't blame anyone for missing the last bit, by then they were mostly in a coma. I was sobering up and beginning to have a hangover, which maybe made me more sensitive to the scene in question.

I watched AI drunk. This was a mistake, as me and my equally drunk, cynical friend spent the entire movie snickering, much to the dismay of our respective partners.

...did everyone miss the fact that the aliens said that, in bringing his "mom" back, he was effectively killing her soul? (it's not specified that this is her soul, but damn if I can think of anything else it could be.)

"keep the customers from stealing the tacocopter" - fixed. Drop the tacos using a string which, when tugged on with enough force to impact the tacocopter's ability to fly, will break. The tacocopter remains well above the tawdry masses of humanity which it feeds.

So I'm scrolling through these and they *all* look adorable, but honestly, Zatanna and Death both look... pretty much the same as always.

Thanks! I didn't want to say "stoned" because of the alternate connotations, although that word was used so often it became unforgettable in context with the book.

This sonds a lot like a sci-fi story I read years ago, about people who lived on alternated days and were stored in suspended animation the rest of the time. It was a murder mystery in which someone who lived on Thursdays was investigating the death of someone who lived on Mondays, or something like that...

She must have been an English teacher. Those are the only ones who got away with that level of crazy awesome.

You, sir or ma'am or other, are one incredibly lucky duck to have experienced this. Thumbs up and hearts all around for such a description.