Pink mosquito killer

You are completely correct. They documented under controlled conditions, what many have claimed, proven, but not able to explain without a control and strict repeatable  processes.

I had an octopus take gold fish from me even, but it was my maroon clowns in another tank, that impressed me.

Not uncommon at all

They should sue or if its not important enouh to defend, then its fair game and especially if allowed to continue.

And they should sue, but.........

They would ask for a crowd funding sympathy donation. They would express that they didn’t believe that BLACK people, would really rob them one day and this is why insurance wasn’t a thought to become, even a second thought.

Looks like a very closely bottle necked genetically, family unit. Keeping the love in the family, seems to run just as strong with their types and equally as much as their insatiable desire to be parasitic.

“If it survives.” Nice warning to the Pink Mosquito. Soon, Whitey is to discover how easily rights will be pushed to be taken(2nd & 4th amendments)and how too late it will be to make amends, let alone begin a race related discussion or express a truly believable apology. (but who truly gives a shit, without

 Consistent, just like the effects from the plague, upon the many people of the world....You PINK MOSQUITO, parasitic filth! Thank God, The Sun,(My people, “homo sapian people’s,” closest star.)Tries To KILL You Consistently, Every Morning!

She’s completely correct as a great many of these women are not taking responsibility. The majority of these people being accused, have long standing reputations as some of the worst of the shady and with legendary horrible deeds attached. I believe more than a few of these victims had suspicions of what they were

HE IS A DISINGENUOUS JEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Black America, is not considered a friend to it’s kind, unless it’s manipulating, conning, taking advantage of, etc..... our kind. It NEVER forgets how evil the Neanderthal Aryan Caucasians Parasites, truly are. The JEWWWWWWWWWW.........!!!!!!!!!!! is very DISINGENUOUS and