Drama Nerd

Regardless of what Mr. Trump says, this world is going global and going borderless and neither he, nor anyone else, can stop that progress. Free trade, and free exchange of ideas and information, is the future. Frictionless existence and commerce with the all parts of the globe.

It would be really interesting to find out if Zeldin is a Dual Citizen that calls himself “American” instead of “Israeli-American.”

Minutely Reminder that this is something the left and right agree on.

I don’t think she’s Israeli. 

Chicken is by far the best bang for your buck as far as protein is concerned too. And eggs are basically one of the greatest foods of all time. Funny how doctors/scientists all agreed that eggs were a primary component of the cholesterol problem of the 90s and naughts, not cheap corporate carb junk, and all of a

Not Planet Fitness.

This such a good point and has only gotten better with time. It’s never too late to learn how to code.

Ideally, I would like to raise my own chickens to slaughter [only so that I can eat them] and use their eggs also for eating.  Add in a couple nut trees and veggies in the ground behind my house and I think I’m in business.  Still a ways off though.  Something to aim for.

Yeah I remember that one.  He should really apologize for that. Wasn’t right then and only got worse with time.

Scott, how is your comment in the black but mine is still in the grey?  This is unusual.  Please figure this out and inbox me.  Tx

Whatever your thoughts on Woody Allen - I personally believe he should be in jail just like Bill Cosby - he doesn’t have much to do with Beto.  This is an ultra obscure way to dismiss him, which I appreciate, but he will still be our nominee.

These people worked for the government, not the media.

It’s offensive, Scott.  I can’t let this one go.

Why does Splinter always choose the good looking republicans for their headline pics while choosing horrible looking, ugly democrats for their headline pics?

It’s at the very least 25M and any objective person will admit that, just as I will admit that any number in the trillions is a ridiculous, made up number used only to discredit people like myself that understand the actual cost.


They are the idiots they hate.  And that 70% tax will generate zero revenue considering tax code is written by those that earn 10M or more in income. 

So now Chance sells out?  Why does everyone sell out now at the first opportunity?

Daily reminder that none of this is possible so long as we have to continue paying for the 25 million undocumented immigrants in this country. Even if we were able to tax billionaires - we aren’t, they just shift funds into tax protected vehicles like foundations/charities/trusts - we still couldn’t afford it.

I love Warren. She’s my senator. Let me repeat that. She is my senator. She will not be my president and at this point I’m not sure I want her to be. She needs to apologize to more than just Cherokee Nation for lying about her heritage and appropriating the most sacred and victimized culture in America.