Drama Nerd

Still don’t understand your point.  Kamala is a woman... no?

What is this video supposed to mean?

You’re certainly right that Kamala has the woman card, and you could even make an argument that Booker’s strong masculinity could make him toxic to a portion of woman voters... but I don’t think that argument becomes reality.


It’s not even a little if though.  Everyone announcing early is losing momentum they will need later.  Beto is a savvy politician and knows exactly when to announce.  That’s not during BHM. 

Close, but no.  The primaries will end with both the centrist candidates and the further left candidates endorsing Beto.  Or at least that’s how it looked before this morning.  Booker has some serious chops and the fact that he’s a POC makes a world of difference.  It’s him or Beto.

It won’t. Beto is a really good option to bring both factions of the left together. Booker is too, and he’s tough. We’ve got some real players in the crowd now and it’s a really good feeling.

Very likely that they keep all the data they can for themselves.  Ideally, this is to improve their products.  Cynically, this is for wholesale, standalone domination and blackmail of their users.  I’m an optimist on this front so long as Cook is steering the wheel. 

That is the best picture of Kamala I’ve ever seen. 

Do you really not understand the context here?

Whoa hey there, how about we hug this one out? Just kidding. Hey I hear ya, I live in Boston and it’s not easy to commit to only running for real. The roads and sidewalks get pretty hairy in bad conditions. It’s not fun, and it’s scary sometimes, but that’s life for a runner. It’s part of who I am and I embrace it.

Is Peretti a vegan by any chance?

Treadmills do half the work for you and should be advertised as the lite option for those that want to claim they run.  Nothing beats hitting the pavement with your Vibrams, except for cross country land routes.  Not everyone has a decent nearby route though, and even fewer are willing to run that bitch in hostile


Please, I beg you. All I want to do is have a nice discussion about why Apple is a more humane company than its Silicon Valley counterparts.

He likely brandishes a shovel at groundbreaking events at his properties across the world.  This is not the hill we should die on.

True story from a Facebook page I follow.

I’m not. This small cat person and the “Not Enuff Day Drinking” person both had gigantic meltdowns on the article announcing that Hillary will not be running in 2020. I told them that Bernie would have beat Trump in 2016 and now they’ve been calling me a troll on every article I find interesting.

Your fantasies are your own business, but don’t pretend like Bernie’s essay wasn’t a scholarly examination of the female mind. Maybe try actually reading it next time?

“I supported Sanders but...”