It’s a strange and beautiful world.
It’s a strange and beautiful world.
Let’s not forget the bias the FBI has shown over the years against Juggalos. Stay strong my ninjas.
Do it publicly. Say it out loud. This industry will support you. Your fellow journalists will support you. Media unions will support you. We will write you recommendations and try to help you find a new job.
Once again,
Hey, do you remember back in October when Hamilton Nolan told everyone at FOX News to quit? Because, you know, you can go out and find another jobby-job?
Go fuck yourself.
These people want healthcare for all plus open borders. It boggles my mind wondering how these people think it’s possible to pay for that. Even 70% tax on the wealthy won’t cover those costs.
I so agree. I have a good friend who says she “runs” 3 miles a day...on a treadmill. She can barely make it a mile with me jogging on an actual unmoving surface.
Agreed. It’s a real bummer that we didn’t get Bernie.
I concur, though I didn't think we were allowed to say so here, lest you be called a BernieBro or some such.
If you are a goober and wonder why do people hate the Democrats as much as they hate Republicans you should read about the LA teacher strike. Austin Beutner is a Democrat donor who doesn’t seem to care about improving education or helping people. He’s just a rich jerk who used his money to attack teachers, their…
Israel has snipers that shoot unarmed children on the other side of that wall.
Bernie will run again. His ego is too big not to run.
Hell, Bernie supporters aren’t going to support Bernie this time around.
I’d say it’s a pretty big oversight to forget Hillary wanted this rich idiot in her cabinet when you pretend they are opposites.
That is an astute analysis. He and Kamala Harris are the same though. Kamala just hasn't moved toward the center yet because she's trying to appeal to the democratic base which is lefties like myself. Shit isn't working though
I am not for or against Schultz as I don’t know what his positions are on any issues. That said, I am open to considering his candidacy should he be on the ballot.
Israel is not a Jewish State. It does not speak for, represent, or contain most Jews. It does not respect Jewish values or history. It is a colonial, genocidal project of European empires looking for plausible deniability after participating or refusing to intervene in the Shoah. Birobidzhan is a more Jewish State…