Drama Nerd

I would much prefer a shorter battery life to an eternal file being updated and sold.

FWIW, that guy you’re responding to had a gigantic meltdown when Hillary announced she wouldn’t be running and I think that’s what his reply to me is about.

As if we don’t already know the answer to your supposition.

No chance.  Beto is the guy.  Biden has way too many disgusting skeletons in his closet.  Beto is a cleans slate that skates. 

Agreed, except that if she hadn’t rigged the primaries Bernie would have won.  That does seem relevant in my opinion.

Anyone who lives in this country, documented or not, is affected by the decisions of our government.

Sorry but this is a very patriarchal take on her, almost fatherly. We aren’t guardians. That implies that we have knowledge or expertise that she doesn’t.

Both Sidesists are never right. 

She’s gonna prove all the haters wrong.  And the best part?  There are millions more just like her waiting to do the same.

Hold on, this is legit infuriating. So you’re telling me that the Republicans blasted Bill and Hillary Clinton for exactly this, saying it was proof of some grand pay to play scheme that never made any sense anyway but now because it’s their Southern Bell on the circuit it’s just dandy?

Are you really a girl or are you just saying that?

This is such a frustrating comment for so many reasons. I’ll give you just one though:

So I used to visit Williamsburg literally all the time and can tell you for certain that BKLYN is not NYC and BKLYN sure as hell is not New York state.  It’s one of the most unique, inspiring places on earth and it takes a lot of gall to conflate that cultural center with some broader geographic area.  I won’t have it

Sometimes allies need to prove themselves by being quiet and just listening.  This is one such case but there are many others.

Because I don’t think that just because she’s a woman she’ll “be destroyed.”  I don’t think the NFL is “a man’s league.”  I think that we’re past all that and I think that she will prove that to us. 

Almost the greatest Super Bowl of all time. If Kaep took it down it would have been.

Sure they are.

Yours is the type of gaslighting that actually works. I feel as if I have gone crazy and the only solution is to agree with you.

What in the absolute hell are you talking about man? What is this? Why are you bringing up politics in a technology thread? My God, you sound like a schizophrenic psychopath. Please get your affairs in order and, when done, take a hard look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is who you want to be.

I’ll be honest.  I have no idea what this means, but I get the feeling that both of us can find some middle ground in Beto.