Drama Nerd

Apple had a bug. It was unintentional and did not create profit for them.

That’s how rigging works...

The NFL is trying to lure us back with stories like this and it’s not going to work.  They blackballed Kaep, a Super Bowl caliber quarterback in his prime, for literally no reason.  Until they make that right, I’m out.  We all are.  

Then stop saying that Hillary was a good candidate and that the primary wasn’t rigged.  We know for a fact that she was horrible and the primary was rigged.  What we don’t know is whether Bernie would have won, but he definitely would have. 

MLS is not popular. Very few people like it.

Bernie was much more popular than Hillary, so you are wrong.

They’ve recovered surveillance video of where the attack took place and cannot find assailants in the video. That’s the most recent news.

The only thing that could get me to watch the NFL again is if she makes a team as a starter and plays.  That would be amazing.

You must be very young. Catholicism is a sect of Christianity. Even so, Catholics are some of the strongest advocates for refugees, which says much about the control their hearts have over their brains.

Countries with Sharia Law execute gays. Christian countries marry them.

BKLYN is not a border state in my opinion and people take their roots with them wherever they go.

The Overton window has already shifted and much of that is thanks to Hillary Clinton’s failure bother personally and professionally.  People are openly discussing two topics at the end of the political spectrum as if they are achievable in the near term.  The right is discussing a Fourth Reich and the left is

There’s not really a debate as to which religion is more tolerant between Christianity and Islam.  It’s Christianity by a light year.

Bernie is from BKLYN, which was always the most ironic part of Hillary’s posh, super hip selection of her campaign HQ.

Me too. I’m just happy Hillary is finally gone.

As someone who supported Bernie in 2016 and feels like we missed a huge opportunity, I honestly hope that Trump does jail her.  She deserves it for so many reasons. 

Hillary is the reason we have Trump.  Bernie would have smoked that orange bastard.

The biggest point of contention between Christianity in the West and Islam in the West is the interpretations of each religion’s sacred texts.  Where Christianity has adapted a modern interpretation of their scriptures to include a heavy dose of tolerance for words, actions, and people outside of their faith there is

He’s not a dumbass, and that’s why there is an all out effort to get rid of him immediately. He can self-finance a campaign that will be worthy of the fear and angst currently enveloping his potential announcement.

The truth is that nobody actually cares whether we get a border wall except for those that want it. Those that are opposed will never see it or care about it beyond its effectiveness in their talking points which will be blunted by time come 2020.