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Andrew Sullivan shall be vindicated one day. Mark my words (or not).

I like calling them Vanilla Isis.

The local Audubon Society is very displeased with the occupation of the refuge. I wonder if they could amass an army of 1,000 falconers. Imagine them all raising their arms and a thousand birds of prey take flight, darkening the sky. They’re led by 12 great golden eagles. As the birds approach, shrieking, the

I think your opinion will be very popular. It’s one thing to say you had no idea when it’s the first time you’ve heard allegations. But this has been going on for years and like someone else mentioned there have been payoffs, etc. And I don’t think for one second it hasn’t come up with the “help” (ie new staff in

There is some weird stuff on the internet.

I’m just picturing Wall Street ducks trading derivatives.

Tell me about it. I’ve put on 10 pounds since gay marriage became legal. Coincidence? I think not.

The internet can and will make you fat, as does justice. Why, just after reading that they caught Ethan Couch last night, I ate a celebratory grilled cheese and then later gained forty pounds.

Nah, they all live on the same street.

I’ve seriously considered walking around with a picture of FDR in his wheelchair to pull out when someone starts talking about not vaccinating their children like “See this? This is what vaccines help prevent. Stop being stupid.”

Ach no. Alas. Just memory. Needless to say she didn’t get far and everyone was too polite to even say so. Lots of potent silences worthy of a Beckett play. :)

These are the same people that would have grapefruit-cabbage’d up every conversation in the 60s and 70s.

Me too! I’ve started talking to friends about it more as well, as a normal thing like any other health issue. ‘My knee has started getting stiff in the mornings, I’m seeing a physio next week. How are you?’ ‘Well the bulimia is acting up again, but it’s probably just because I was stressed at work.’ And I had a party

Yeah, after a few brushes with minor eating disorders and a go at every diet in the book, I’m finally healthy and happy and a big believer that if you have to talk about your diet, then you probably shouldn’t be on it.

Recovering bulimic—I was vegan for about 8 months and it was...unhealthy. I have to avoid restrictive “lifestyle” diets like the plague; it’s just too easy to make them an extension of compulsion.

I’ve unfriended at least one person over continued requests to make the mermaid tail blanket. If people want one that badly they need to either learn to knit/crochet or just buy one.

Maybe both at the same time! After all, it is a cat

Holy shitballs. Am I having a stroke, or did that man just say something... reasonable? Lindsey fucking Graham?

They don’t know specifically, but rhythmic motion and holding limbs securely prevents Moro or startle reflexes that stimulate crying, and primitive vasovagal reflexes may be involved. Theories also involve replicating a womb-like environment that serves as a kind of baby “off” switch that extinguishes around 3 months