
No kidding. Also, not that there is anything “funny” about this whole situation, but seriously- Billy Bush is a part of THAT BUSH FAMILY. Did he not think that maybe his cousin, who was running for the Republican nomination might be interested in this information, like, a year ago? Did anyone at the RNC vet their

Does the NRA advocate that women carry guns to defend themselves from sexual predators whom they endorse for President?

Thank god. Sean Hannity is the real victim in this election, and now he has gotten some justice.

that’s mean and i feel the same

and also that she retains a botanist

Both very admirable, but someone looking more like me would have been appreciated as well.

I thought this guy looked familiar...

I demand an apology to capybaras right now!!!

No, he looked like Elvis if Elvis had a slightly fuller face and had lived to be a bitter racist old man.

I’ve told this story before, but after my mom died, in a haze of grief, I went and saw a psychic. She got a message from “an older man” who was my grandfather. He was “happy and dancing” in the afterlife. She also drew a picture of the spirit who was talking to her so that I could confirm it was Grampa Ted.

I have. It was on my bucket list. Ummm, I was not impressed. I get more out of my own tarot reads. (Note: I think of tarot as a pictoral guide to help me think of my problems in a different way. Not as an actual predicting the future kind of thing.)

Cod bless you, Cara Jennings.

I never thought of that but Velveeta does sound vaguely Italian. “La Dolce Velveeta.”

It’s always Cherokee because most Americans probably couldn’t name any other specific tribe/nation off the top of their head if you paid them. Clyde Bellecourt recently said that Americans are ignorant as fuck about indigenous history. He couldn’t be more right.

White people shit, at least to me, always seems like bewildered amusement. Nothing derogatory. It’s like not being a sports fan at all, watching the Superbowl (for tasty food obvs) and watching two adults arguing over a play that had a flag (penalty)

It’s terribly sad that this is the current situation of American women. I’m not even kidding when I say that my husband is finishing his PhD next year and he recently asked me if he should apply for jobs in Canadian universities and firms. Of course! I said. I’m Mexican-American and a woman and a scientist. I get

I’m sorry. That sounds hard.

I’m sure Trump has paid for abortions in his life. (Great abortions. The best abortions.)

You nailed it - she isn’t/won’t be affected by a single policy, cultural mentality or tradition that women are.