
A whole bunch of much more violently misogynistic societies don’t have this mass murder problem. The problem is the extraordinary availability of guns in the US.

My cousin posted this on Facebook today, linking to this article about how the poor menz are not getting good jobs and attracting “mates.”

I love baseball, love, love, love it. I played it with my dad and we always went to games. There’s nothing better than baseball, IMO. I still can’t muster up a fuck to give about these girls taking selfies at a game and having what seems to be a good time. Baseball is a social, fun event. They had races between a hot

Oh that’s the “controversy”? That people weren’t paying sufficient attention to a baseball game? Right, because it all happens so fast, lol. I couldn’t figure out why this was a story, and I’m still kind of confused.


First of all, this woman doesn’t understand her own damn religion, because by their own standards, the Pope is going straight to hell for being and idolater, so.

The thing that drives me batshit crazy about this whole thing is that Apostolic Christians don’t believe that Catholics are real Christians! Why is she so excited to meet the head of the Catholic Church if she believes Catholics are going to hell?! (Answer: Because she’s an attention whore.)

I am a true Christian because I took a meeting with the Pope.”

The only reasonable response to getting an invoice in the mail for not going and eating their walleye dinner is to buy 2 walleye and give them back to the happy couple by hiding them somewhere in the house while they are on their honeymoon.

I’m going to wait for her to be knighted now by the queen. That’ll show her haters!

If anyone can think of any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, please passive-aggressively blog about it right now, right here, during the ceremony, with your champagne gold iPhone 6, which is so last June anyway because the rose gold iPhone 6s is where it’s at now.

LOL. It’s not uncommon, but still a little surprising you’ve had three! Some of ‘em don’t have much of a voice.

“I’m just being me.”

In my experience, if an employer claims you’re being hired to change the way things work you can guarantee it’s bullshit. Even if they sincerely hope you’ll bring change there will be far too much interenal resistance. The only way it will realistically happen is if you’re building a team from scratch or have been

True story, in 2nd grade a girl stabbed me in the butt with a pencil. I am so pissed she was not led away in handcuffs. I STILL HAVE A LED COLORED SPOT ON MY BUTT.

I think he had an intent.

Once again, personal responsibility is for the poors. It's never the executive's fault if the business is doing poorly enough for mass layoffs. It's not the fault of the financial industry execs that they crashed the economy. It's not the fault of Republican elected officials if the economy sucks on their watch. But

I think too many men have empathy deficits. Huge ones. They can’t imagine what how incoming freshman girls might feel. Or their parents.

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

They inhabited this earth before time began and will haunt it still long after time is forgotten.