
Roses are red.

i expected more from my favorite poet, brooke hogan

“Vaguebooking” is a wonderful term for a terrible habit.

Internalized misogyny is a hell of a thing.

You know what else encourages sexual activity amongst young people?

I recently got an implant. Does anyone need my old case?

I’m so glad she survived. But....

I saw the picture and thought, “Omg, Bernie Madoff looks JUST like Richard Dreyfuss!”

If a Jez writer does a post and a man doesn’t approve of it, did she really write anything?

Feeling appreciated for the work you do is so soul-satisfying. Reader, did you marry him?

I feel like if Trump’s hair was actually a cat, I would like him more.

Why do people keep using their music without permission? You would think that after the first time someone got sued for it they would cut it out.
It’s actually pretty uncool to use ANYONE’S artistic property without their permission, regardless of whether they’re going to sue you for it or not.

I don’t know. I’m a white guy helping to raise a Rosemary plant. Are you saying I’m not half-delicious?

Since I was 5 I’ve identified as the Batman. It doesn’t matter that I’m a 30 something black male. People should respect my identity and address me as Batman.

I keep thinking about how Sansa was raised to be a lady and did everything “right” and has been tortured and taken advantage of by maniacs, and Arya did everything “wrong” but was true to herself and is completely adrift and consumed by hatred. And on top of that you have Cersei, a really strong if demented woman who


since i knew all this was coming i am not totally shocked here but:

Thank god this was a short update, I am still trying to catch up on all the other articles from today. I cannot absorb this information fast enough. (AND YET WE STILL DONT KNOW WTF IS ACTUALLY GOING ON)

this family motto is ‘literally what’

I’m logging the fuck off.