
Sure, you may think she’s obviously not actually black but you’re looking at her now after the truth has been revealed. It’s hard to know if you would have come to the same conclusion before.

I expect a lot of people looked at her and thought, “Is she black? I’m not sure. She doesn’t really look black but maybe my

This will try to kill you. Yes that’s chocolate flavoured with Vegemite. Ignore the people saying “Oh it’s just like a salted caramel chocolate, you eat salted caramel, right?” For they are liars with no pity in their hearts.

Everything. Everything in Australia wants to kill you. Bill Bryson’s book about Aus is pretty funny if you haven’t read it.

for christ’s sake you guys are fast with these

I chose to not read this article and am going to assume that this individual wants to segregate all police officers so they can no longer abuse, assault and shoot the public, and African Americans in particular.

I know right? My jaw dropped at that.

I had a Thai employee who was a fairly new addition to the U.S. She went to a Nordstrom’s here and got told by the makeup counter lady that she had “chinky eyes.”

The worst part is, my employee came in the next day and asked me what “chinky” meant. She spoke English really well but was not up to date on idioms or

It pleases Him. It is not our lot to ask why.

Are you Deer God? It’s me, Margaret.

“I sympathize with going through hard times in the media.”

Do we have any real reason to believe that Melisandre knows what she’s doing? Sure, she has magic powers (shadow baby!) but like, by the very virtue of hitching herself to Stannis, isn’t she kind of proving herself to be an unreliable character? You’d think someone with the full power of the Lord of Light would pick

Nailed it!

Two episodes left, I’m braced for the cliffhanger. You should see the couch cushion fort I’ve built.

Here’s your 23.5% wage cut. Enjoy.

That is true. Pregnant women need to be fired to keep them and their unborn child safe from the kind of misogynistic monsters at work who think that pregnant women need to be fired to keep them and their unborn child safe.

I know this is kinda mean, but whatever: Jim Bob has always reminded me of a ham wearing a toupee. There is just something about his face that is so ham-like.

Have you tried driving in Susa during the rush hour? The next King of the Medes and Persians would be on the throne by the time you get to the city gates.

And Esther better be walking her way to Ahasuerus to beg him not to kill all her people.

Judith is still allowed to decapitate Holofernes, but G-d forbid she drives to the Assyrian camp.