
I’m not sure he needs to come and with the “I condemn him” statements regarding Josh “pumpkinhead” Duggar in order for people to understand that him saying he doesn’t support him or his actions means just that.

What she’s really thinking, from that image above is, “We’re having that stupid party tomorrow night and let’s see, I’ve got the shrimp for the shrimp cocktail, and the cheese, and the pitted olives for the martinis, and the lime green jell-o for the jell-o shots, but I hate my husband’s boss so much and his wife is

Modcloth is probably frantically copying this one as we speak

Anytime someone says men don’t prattle on about bullshit I am tempted to turn on ESPN.

I live with all men (husband, sons) and they are never not talking. NEVER. And I’m a super extrovert and I’m like making plans to build a bunker under the house to escape the mindless, endless, pointless chatter that fills my ears at all times.

Go to hell, you human potato.

My husband and I have pretty much agreed that if a future son joins a social frat, he’s on his own paying for college. I’m not supporting this stuff.

Floridians be like, yep, sounds like Memorial Day

Too stringy.

My friend cooks recipes from Paltrow’s book & they’re actually so delicious, much to the sorrow of my cynical heart

I was smoking a joint with Jesus just last night & he told me he can't stand these people. They keep calling him, be has no idea where they got his number.

If we can blame everything bad that happens in black communities as the fault of absentee fathers, can we blame this on the presence of white fathers?

Republicans apparently don’t like dividing things, including race and essays. You’re only going to see Obama and liberals using paragraphs.

I love how the girls - the real victims - have become completely invisible in all this. And when I say love, I mean “I would like to set someone’s face on fire”.

Okay so, I honor my parents (because they are made of awesome), I am a virgin, I have never stolen anything, never killed anyone, never inappropriately touched anyone, do not get out of taxes by calling my house a church (and thus I render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, as Jesus says to), and have read the Bible

These people ASTOUND me. Because wasn’t casting stones this walking dumpster fire’s JOB?!? He worked for a goddamn hate group, which, along with his family, campaigned actively against LGBTQ+ rights. And a fucking 15-year-old knows better than to diddle little kids.


Yeah, that’s the weird thing. The acknowledgement of how being a stay at home mom (or dad for that matter) is hard as fuck is great and a wonderful step in the right direction. But something about the breadwinner shelling out the dough on some weird unspecified criteria seems false. I prefer the whole we’re in this

Worthy, yes. But, why remuneration? Why not full partnership in the family finances? When I hear “wife bonus,” what I hear is a reminder that she probably doesn’t have access to money otherwise.