
A regular Berkshire Fox Hunt.

OMG, I am so sorry that you had to deal with that.

This story made my day. That cat is the master of passive aggressive revenge. Bless her heart!

I moved in with the man who would become my husband in 1998. I had a 7 yr old cat. He was allergic. “She’s pretty old,” I said. “You won’t have to live with a cat for too long.” That cat died in 2013. She was a huge asshole for all 22 years of her life. God, I miss her. My husband does not.

Yeah, there is nothing like a beautiful bouquet of flowers kept in the fridge, or locked in the bedroom to make a person feel special.

At the grocery store I used to work in we had the opposite of that. There was this really sweet old lady who would come in all dressed up, and buy her groceries. Then when she was done she would hand whoever was working the register a quarter as a tip, so that we could take ourselves and some friends out for a soda.

There’s a special section in heaven reserved for people who have had to deal with old people arguing over change.

Except you can’t do nearly as good a job as someone else can. I can’t, and I actually have a cosmetology license, which licences me to do skin care, hair, and nails. I know what you mean about the power trip some people are on. I have experienced it myself when doing salon work. Not everyone treats manicurists that

Hot take: don’t get your nails done by another person. Do it your damn self. Going to nail salons (especially for a pedicure), however nice you think you are, is a minor power trip and you should not subject another person to a disgusting dig into your disgusting toes. There are things that shouldn’t enter the

My boyfriend had to break up with his awful, toxic parents a couple years ago, and my excellent mother died almost four years ago. We mostly just, like, drink mimosas on Mother’s Day. I will probably ask my cats to get me some flowers.

Good old Mason County has the Mothman, the Silver Bridge disaster, Chief Cornstalk, TNT, and Lakin. In college, we would go over to the Lakin remains around midnight on weekends, to explore and look for ghosts. You can still drive by and see where it was located, as it is across from the Lakin Women’s Prison, about

One of the stupidest things ever said.

While it’s true that having sex turns young women into indecisive, thoughtless, cold-hearted liars, they got it totally wrong on “versatile.” Post-virginity-loss, I’m practically a human Swiss Army knife! #TheMoreYouHo

Well I always wanted a bun made of potential, my boobs are charming, and my ladyparts are confident and versatile, so at least the graphic is accurate.

Tbh, all my ill advised sexual encounters have just given me more character.

The amazing thing to me is despite the fact that police were called to the scene and there’s video evidence, no one has been arrested as of yet.

“Welcome to McDonalds, Bitch, where you can have it my way.”

Some are pretty unflappable, but most of the horses I've ridden have had moments of spooking at totally normal stuff (the light from the barn door, a bale of hay that was sitting there this whole time but they just noticed it, their own shadow). So something that's big, would move in the wind, and is probably not

Yes, but those horses were used to it. I'm in the SCA, and we have to train horses not to spook at voluminous clothing, flapping pennants, and clanking armor, because horses do not have some sort of genetic memory that lets them know that "no, it's okay that that person doesn't seem to have legs; they're just hidden."