
"Quit saying bad things about me that are true!" said Aaron Sorkin as he shoved his hands deeply in his pockets, put his head down to his chest and kicked the nearest rock.

I'm sure his next show will be about a brave, intelligent tv and film writer who attempts to nobly tell it like it is with his scripts while being beset on all sides by shrewish, ungrateful women, one of whom is named "Schmalena Schmith."

ETA: He can call the show "Penis Mightier Than the Sword."

That's precisely why he was told by his handlers to come out and say what he did. This is nothing more than political theatre on behalf of the GOP. His brother is the current frontrunner for the Republican Party.

Cosby is living proof that rapists want rape, not sex. When all these incidents occurred, he could easily have gotten willing sex partners. He was personable, wealthy, reasonably attractive, famous - with just a little effort on his part, I suspect he could have had a different willing girlfriend every month, if not

They are also classic in the "being a teenage girl" sense. There were always gross predators lurking around the edges of any situation (school, parents' friends, friends' parents, camp counselors, not to mention guys on the subway or in the park or at parties....). It keeps coming out because in some ways his

did anyone even checked ID's in 70th??

This truly highlights what a skilled predator Cosby is. Young drunk girls who were easily influenced by his fame and his drugs. Women who were known for being wild. The narrow notion of what constitutes a real victim is part what allowed this to go on for so long. The other part being the narrow identity of what a

But why didn't she just report it?

There will never be justice for victims as long as we demand they be flawless humans, if not perfect angels. Janice Dickinson has been ridiculed for years over various things, including attention seeking, but we have a woman who has been very specific in her story, who should have someone at her publisher able to

I really don't like the way the interviewer was pushing Dickinson about "but why did you trust him," "why didn't you ask what the pill was," and so on. It's really rubbing me the wrong way. It seems to kind of reinforce the pervasive idea that if a woman does anything "wrong," then she can't complain when she gets

I'm pretty sure "breading" a cow is just a chicken-fried steak tbh.

Somehow, I have difficulty accepting the concept of fishing having tongues.

Maybe. But I really think "Sea Muppet" would be a better name for that guy.

It was an honest mistake... she meant to call them thugs.

When you put it like that, she should get probation volunteering in a middle school. There is no worse age.

Sent to jail for abandoning her kids? That's rewarding candy theft with ice cream.

When I was 8 or 9, someone in my Sunday school class asked for prayer for a farm-boy friend who had hand-raised a calf named Buster and was devastated when his parents slaughtered him. He didn't stop eating meat until his parents specifically told him at the dinner table that he was eating Buster, though;

My three year old upon seeing this, "I WANT ONE THOSE COWS!"