
...because we know guys we like, good guys, who have at least said some terrible things. I am fairly certain that my husband has at least two friends, generally awesome guys, who crossed a number of sexual lines (based on their own stories of events- probably would be more assault-y from the other side), and have NO

I think that, although we're biased, most sensible sorts of parents are all too aware of what little shits our kids are capable of being, but also aware that there's likely quite a lot that we don't know. I would like to think my son wouldn't ever behave like this. He would know, academically, that this is appalling

It obviously doesn't begin to compare to sexual assault, but I had to pull this on a guy who "borrowed" my chemistry book near the end of the school year, so he could sell it back to the bookstore. I literally stayed in the dorm for an extra two hours on my last day on campus because he said he was gonna get them back

It's about punishment and reckoning. The lacuna at the center of every misogynist's hate is his mother. When you make this outright hate of women collide with his love of his mother...well, it brings things to the surface very painfully.

This is incredibly satisfying. Nothing is more wonderful than the idea of misogynists having to admit their misogyny to the one woman who they think is somehow different. It's a beautiful thing.

My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.

You had never seen a person repent so fast before.

Brilliant. That is all. :)

now I am so glad I didn't make it that far into that book. Thank you.

I'm a novelist of the lady-parts-having variety and it astounds me how many guys who I consider friends and who are well-read and have university degrees will not read my novels because they don't read books written by female authors. It's astonishing to me how many will flat-out ask me justify why they should read my

Man that class is always full so I ended up picking up Mumbled Retorts 212 during the add/drop period.

Alcohol is one tool used by rapists it's not the cause. A tool that would actually be less effective if we stopped scolding victims for alcohol consumption. Rapists target drunk victims in part because they know people will disbelieve the victim is she was drunk.

Kids should be teaching Sick Burn 201 (not Sick Burn 101, because their shit is advanced)

I managed to convince my entire family, my cousins, aunts and uncles, and my grandparents to not shop on Black Friday. Instead, I'm taking them out to go to the National Mall instead.

Conveyor Belt Of Horror would be an awesome name for a feminist punk band that has incredibly lyrics lampooning the patriarchy.

This actually says more about NBC to me than it does about this one particular dude. He would have been pretty low on the rungs if his job was waiting outside of Cosby's dressing room. Whatever the leadership hierarchy was above him - they would have known exactly why they were placing him there.

That is such a good point... The 'fake movie-villain' dialogue has been a point that the deniers seize on, saying "C'mon, nobody talks like that in real life, these bitches are making it up".... But the things that people say in sexual situations often really DO sound like the movies. Or worse.

Cosby paid for her college tuition and her parents believed he had a "father-like" mentoring relationship with her. Hill ended the relationship when she was 19.

She should have bitten Don Lemon.

There is a precedence to this though. Bill Gates wound up making his fortune when someone noticed his firebreathing act when he used to open gratis for REO Speedwagon, and Warren Buffet got his start working for free as a ring girl in backyard wrestling tournaments that were frequented by Wall Street talent scouts.