

Perhaps he's related to the My Father Owns Half Of Fucking Manhattan kid?

This is the part the bothered me the most... also because it's quite possibly true he'll get his way. Would a bar risk hiring the girl when they rind out they'll lose the patronage of a douche-hole, albeit, a douche-hole with a lot of money who could make them a lot of money?

Someone should probably tell him that all those people secretly hate him.

Seriously. Conflict free, AND made by a space rock? Take all my rubles! All of them!

My Russian-speaking SO told me that after the recent spate of meteors hitting Russia that countless diamonds had been created by the meteors' impacts. How I would love if Russia spite-flooded the diamond market, driving prices down. If I recall though, many of the diamond-filled craters are in pretty remote locations.

What he really needs is this.

He's like a caricature. You like to believe you're exaggerating when it comes to how entitled these guys are but no. They fail as human beings because they live in a bubble of privilege and leaves normal people looking like this:

(sometimes I let my phone die completely and don't charge if for like... a day, or more!)

Agree. That bothered me too.

The baby should not have been allowed to pull the dog's food dish away. The dog was making it very clear it didn't like being interrupted. Bite to follow.

Yeah. Fixed it.

Sorry, you can't just say you "support" something unless you're actually taking actions to, you know, actually support it. That's just lip service. Unless they cut ties with the NFL and/or start giving boatloads of money to organizations that address issues around domestic violence, they're not actually "supporting"

When Paul Ryan brought up a story about a car accident I thought "You fucking moron, you really opened that particular door?"

That man is a goddamn American hero.

I want Joe Biden to be my dad and give me inspiring talks straight out of a '90s family sitcom.

This is why Joe Biden is my fantasy internet boyfriend. He gets so much shit for gaffes when 99% of the time, he's the smartest and most compelling guy in the room. Of course he would say this. Of course. I love him so much.

Because I was already awkward and incredibly unpopular, the fifteen year old version of me would totally have run with this, and worn some variation of the "shame suit" every day for the rest of the week.

"Why are you wearing that horrible outfit?"
"It's my shame suit. I'm still ashamed of my outfit. Do I look