In my view, “biased” sites are not “fake” news. There are some who use that term to describe them, but I feel like that waters down the argument about fake news. We’ve got two words, let’s use them.
In my view, “biased” sites are not “fake” news. There are some who use that term to describe them, but I feel like that waters down the argument about fake news. We’ve got two words, let’s use them.
I feel strongly that only SWAT team members and back-country park rangers should be allowed to wear or possess cargo pants. They’re not a good look on pretty much anyone, be they man or woman.
I’m skeptical that I could comfortable fit any single one of those items, let alone all of them, in one of my pockets
As a woman, I always get jealous when I see these pocket bags come up as people’s everyday carry. Heck, women are lucky if their pants have pockets at all (faux pockets are the bane of my existence). I don’t have a single pair of pants with pockets that would accommodate a 5x7 bag, heck, most women’s pants won’t…
“My boss was quick to refute that no matter how “silly” it was, it was my job to back up the wishes of the C-suite.”
But it wasn’t on an email server, so at least we know we are safe and secure, right?
Did you really just equate Dr. Phil to Syria
Loved how she slowed down and tearfully savored that last stanza:
Everything I know about job interviews I learned from The Sims. Always dress for the job you’re applying for.
1959 Chevy vs 2009 Chevy. This is all you need to show to the unbelievers.
For those of you having trouble picturing the extending platforms:
Wait, so I’m correct in understanding that the emails are not from Clinton? Which means they were sent *to* Clinton? Short of saying in an email to her, “Here’s that classified document you wanted so that you could sell it to Russia in exchange for that set of personalized Matryoshka dolls,” what relevance could this…
I’m sorry, but the methodology for this study sucks. Anyone trying to calculate value with half a brain knows that it would be dollars per unit of weight, that is, $/lb.
Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.
My coworker was in the Navy and he always points out that people’s perception of the armed forces versus reality is always interesting. The super-buff, huge army guys? Those are dudes who are stateside and have time and resources to work-out. They are on base.
Oh, no, it’s fine to ask. He lives in Brooklyn, and you may not remember (or you may be too young,) but after the planes hit the towers and they fell, all traffic in and out of Manhattan was simply shut down. The bridges and tunnels were closed to vehicles, the subway, bus lines, and even the tramway to Roosevelt…
Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.
See what happened there?