I think Emma Thompson or Helena Bonham-Carter would be great choices! It's too bad Catherine Tate has already been on the show, I think she would have made an awesome Doctor as well.
I think Emma Thompson or Helena Bonham-Carter would be great choices! It's too bad Catherine Tate has already been on the show, I think she would have made an awesome Doctor as well.
Wow, fuck you.
I don't care, I will ALWAYS watch a special about Atlantis when it comes on TV, because it's been one of my favorite myths since I was a kid. I don't even need it to exist, I just love hearing about it.
Nora is so boring I can hardly remember her name. Nina is AWESOME.
I considered that but if that were the case, River would recognize Ten in "Silence in the Library". He wouldn't be younger than she's ever seen him. And she would recognize Donna.
It works for me, just tried it.
Nah, that's definitely Matt Smith.
Could be Romana, Gaiman has hinted at it. ([twitter.com] It also seems that his episode has to do with Time Lords, so it would make sense if Romana was there...
God damn, is it so wrong for a female superhero to be able to wear a bra? You need support when you're fighting crime!
What is your definition of "original", then?
River already died. I think you mean you want it to be before she met the Doctor.
So the "Fear me, I've killed them all" line from the trailer is pretty much definitely from Neil's episode, then? YESSSS.
Nope. I will never read her books because she's a plagiarist and a scammer. Remember LaptopGate?
I don't think she's learned anything from it. Whole sections of her books are lifted straight out of her fanfiction with the names changed. You probably can't plagiarize yourself, but at the very least it's lazy writing.
Well, it's not really a LAIR, but neither is Mulder and Scully's office, I guess.
Can you do that and just... pop it back in? Urgh. The very idea makes me want to vomit. I'm so squeamish about eyeballs.
Re: the eye socket method - how would that even work without damaging the eyes? Or did he just go ahead and blind them while he was at it? I don't understand how you can get an ice pick into someone's eye socket without losing an eye.
Yeah, that's true, he's not really in the mindset to be abstaining from blood or saving innocents yet. I guess I just expected that the pregnant lady might get some sympathy from him or something.
God, I hope so. Looks like from the promo for next week.
Wasn't the pregnant lady still alive at that point, too? I was like, sure Aiden, don't worry about SAVING her or anything! You know, just throw her at the bad guy. Sure.