
Regarding Sally: YES YES YES. One of my biggest complaints about the UK show is that I never really felt like Annie got closure. I love that Sally is really ANGRY about her death and gets to confront Danny about it. And I have to give it to the actor who plays Danny: he plays a really good smarmy asshole. He really

That's what it seems like. It worries me, honestly.

I had noticed North/South Texas and the Carolinas before, but not tiny California.

Ugh, agreed, I hated the whole Ana thing. But it did add an interesting twist this season when Margene started questioning whether they'd "procured" Ana.

I never got the idea that those living on the compound had any sort of real medical care (besides a "doctor" like J.J.). And sex ed? Ha! Probably just left to the parents to explain to the kids, and you know there's no contraception whatsoever.

Actually, I think his vision where he saw Emma Smith in church was when he decided that he could accept women holding the priesthood. I think that might have been what he was writing about in the backyard, and he hadn't told anyone yet. (It was right after church, remember.)

I think they realized that the show had become so bloated with characters and side-stories that they knew they had to cut some and just focus on the main characters as much as they could. (Or maybe they couldn't get the actors back?)

The first comment Bell made about her hands, I found amusing. But when he kept at it it got creepy for me. I don't blame Astrid at all for being freaked out. I have very little patience for old men thinking it's cute to harass young women just because they can, you know? That plus the fact that he's using Olivia's

If you've ever been the "pretty girl" on the other end of that interaction, it is unwanted and creepy. Poor Astrid - she's kind of a genius and an FBI agent, and she gets stuck babysitting Walter and cleaning up the lab, and now she's getting sexually harassed by Bell.

I thought the same thing about Amanda! But I guess we're not getting another vessel for Bell quite so soon.

Stupid people get into college all the time. Especially if their parents have money.

So, what, this isn't shocking enough for you? Because she seems like a regular old run-of-the-mill racist, that makes it unworthy of being news? That makes no sense.

Exactly. There's a big class difference in District 12 - people in the Seam have darker skin and hair, and the more well-to-do merchants who live in the nicer part of town tend to be lighter-skinned and blond. And I think it's no coincidence that most of the people in District 11, another very poor district which

That's $50 a month, so $600 annually. And that's on top of whatever basic cable package they have, which likely runs close to $100 a month already.

Exactly. She's almost indistinguishable from Meg or Ruby, who are both sultry and evil like Eve. Plus, the story of Eve and original sin is the most sexist story in history. Oh, those evil women, corrupting our good, pure men. Ugh, nooo thank you.

I'm definitely interested to see where they go with that. So far it's just been played as a joke, though - "Oh, big strong Raphael is a lady now! Ha ha!" I always wondered why Anna was the only female-bodied angel, considering angels are ostensibly genderless.

I disagree that the deaths are justified. I think it's getting gratuitous. Especially when you look at all those virgins a few episodes ago, and then this episode we got a dead wife (of the infected trucker) and dead Gwen within the first ten minutes, and nobody batted an eyelash. At least when men are killed on the

Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's sick of this.

Seriously. I've concluded that women on Supernatural only exist either to be evil or to provide emotional trauma for men. We've got Sam and Dean's dead mom, Sam's dead girlfriend from season one, Bobby's dead wife, Rufus' dead wife (I assume), dead Ellen and Jo, and now dead Gwen, though nobody seemed very upset that

I love how the little girl turns to the camera and giggles after each person in this one.