
There was an argument Christmas Eve where BoyBookling's uncle was yelling at BoyBookling's cousin and telling her to shut her mouth repeatedly, wherein BoyBookling and the cousin's boyfriend almost fucking popped the uncle in the mouth for talking to his daughter like that. THAT was fun.

Oh man, I really missed the JJ comics.

@Almost Like Loving: I'm guessing that they had to damage out most or all of the food in the freezer. You might not know exactly what got peed on, and with food you don't want to guess. If something was even potentially contaminated, they probably got rid of it.

@kung fu lola: Nobody likes Squirt, except Harry Potter, it's like his favorite drink. Maybe I'll seduce Darren with a song and then a feast of Squirt and Red Vines.

Do you think he would marry me if I serenaded him with this song?

@Taegre: That's definitely one of my favorite episodes. Also, any episode with Starbuck fucking shit up.

@TheDaneAbides: I was so freaked out when I realized why he looked so damn familiar. I am all about Sid, though. He looks just like my husband Rupert Grint!

@pileofmonkeys: YES. It is seriously in the customer's best interest to attempt to keep the store clean and not create more work for the employees for NO REASON.

@MadamePsychosis: Really? What's wrong with just telling the employee (or their manager) about the shitty customer service you received? Making a mess is just passive-aggressive and chances are a good employee who cares about their job is going to be the one who ends up cleaning up after you.

@introverted_innovator: Exactly. It makes it harder for employees to then find items for OTHER customers. Ever had an employee looking high and low for an item for you, but they can't find it? Chances are there are one or two stashed around the store on random shelves where other customers ditched them.

@fifilaru: If you had ever worked retail, you'd know that the wage slaves have plenty of shit to do already without cleaning up after people.

@pileofmonkeys: And then the store gets in trouble for going over on payroll, and even individual employees get reprimanded for having overtime, just as they'd get reprimanded if they left without the floor being completely recovered.


@maharani: In season one, she kind of reminded me of young Hermione: she was so eager and such an overachiever, and she could be really annoying but also kind of sweet sometimes. But in season two she's just gotten terrible! So, I understand but I still kind of have a soft spot for her.

@katieupsidedown: It was about 45 here in CT today, and we went out without coats because it was so warm out!

@so much honey: Yeah, Artie seemed so sweet at first but once he started dating Tina, it became apparent that he was just a jerk. I don't like him with Brittany, either, because I think she's too good for him (and that she should be with Santana).